
Rampart prides itself on being the most reliable and qualified partner for its clients. Founded in 1989, our team of skilled professionals offer a wealth of knowledge and wide range of expertise in the arenas of right-of-way acquisition and land services to projects of any scale. Rampart’s team is committed to serving others with professionalism, integrity, and the flexibility required by project and industry demands while being dedicated to client success.

Allan Butler

Allan Butler

Kara Andrus

Kara Andrus

Project Manager
Cindy Pettis

Cindy Pettiss

Accounting Manager
Jeremy Butler

Jeremy Butler

Senior Project Manager
Matt Forrest

Matt Forest

Senior Project Manager
Phillip Bernard

Phillip Bernard

Senior Project Manager

Rob Vanderford

Senior Project Manager

Susan Doherty

Director - Title Services
T.J. Grimsal, Senior Project Manager

T.J. Grimsal

Senior Project Manager
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